Coere D'Alene Lake
Destination: Blackwell Island, Couere d’Alene, ID,,beautiful RV park located on the lake,,enjoyed dinner on the floating restaurant of what else? Cedar baked Salmon,,,some nice Washington State wine and don’t forget the Huckleberry cheesecake for dessert..the first of many huckleberry delights!
We are in Huckleberry's like that scene from Forrest Gump when he and Bubba Blue are talking about shrimp,,,boiled shrimp, fried shrimp, broiled shrimp,,,huckleberry pie, huckleberry jam, huckleberry jelly, huckleberry cordials, huckleberry wine, huckleberry bread, huckleberry hound,,
I'm pretty much taking a wild guess here but seems to me to live in this area one would have to have a boat as well as invoke their 2nd amendment know, the one about bearing arms or is that arming bears? Beautiful country this time of the year but wouldn't want to hang around to see the snow fly although I am sure it's beautiful then as well..
We were invited up to Alan and Barbara's place for dinner the next night,,,niece and nephew,,Jerry's daughter and son in law, who, by the way,vacationed in Coere d' Alene 17 years ago and decided to stay,,it was a nice drive north of Couere d’Alene,,,out in the country,, on yet, another lake,, Pend Oreille,,,enjoyed a wonderful home-cooked meal and beautiful scenery,,wild turkey in the front yard and deer grazing in the fields,,Alan showed us his toys in his not so small garage,,,41 John Deer tractor, Harley-Davidson and other toys,,,looks like he can stay busy all winter long and I do mean long,,,
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